
Cannon celebrates National Hospital Week

5-20 Page 6A.inddPICKENS — Cannon Memorial Hospital set aside time the week of May 11 to honor its employees and their dedication to Cannon. This year’s hospital theme was “Cannon Superheroes.”

Cannon CEO Norman Rentz told the employees, in part, “Every day, in every job, you are enhancing the lives of those around you with your healing hands and caring hearts. You are using your talents to protect, heal, and serve our community … .the true definition of a superhero! No matter what your job is, we all play a role in providing a place for our community to receive excellent healthcare close to home. And for many of us, Cannon is not only close to home, it is close to our heart. Cannon is deeply rooted in our community, and the service we provide is something to feel good about.”

In addition to a variety of special events for employees during the week, Cannon’s 2014 Employee of the Year and the 2014 Department Manager of the Year were selected.

Lisa Monroe was selected as the 2014 Employee of the Year by her peers. Monroe has been with Cannon since 1997. She works as a certified pharmacy technician and a paragon specialist. Other nominees in this category were: Renee Turner, Wellness Department; Pam Gilstrap, Materials Management/Buyer; and Steven Day, Engineering.

Vardry Smith is the director of materials management and joined Cannon in 2013. Vardry was chosen as 2014 Department Manager of the Year. Other Department Managers nominated for this distinction were: Don DeRossett, Director of Environmental Services; Dawn Lovell, Administrative Assistant to CEO; and Melissa Sinopoli, Director of Lab Services.