
Category Archives: Opinions

Blind snakes and mad dogs

Dogs, stars and the moon collide in July to create the dog days of summer.

The phrase “dog days of summer” is used to describe the hot, humid, sticky days from July 3 through Aug. 11. The dog days could also be called the sweaty days, because you sweat so much that sunscreen melts

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The church equips Christians for ministry

I’ve been in church all my life and I know people who believe that attending an assembly fulfills the majority of their Christian obligations.

Somewhere down through the centuries, the idea of the Ekklesia being a boot-camp to train soldiers and a school to teach disciples how to engage in spiritual warfare and develop their ministries,

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Downgrading to a simpler phone

Tired of having a fancy cellphone with all the bells and whistles that are confusing to use? Want a phone that makes a call, takes a call, snaps a few pictures and sends text messages, but nothing else? Yes, me too.

I’ve discovered many, many features on my cellphone that I either do not use, cannot use or will not use. The “location finder” that will pinpoint where I am is

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The Blue Angels

Did you ever see the Blue Angels when you were younger? There’s something about their fantastic flight demonstration show that can make a kid out of any of us — again.

I had the opportunity to see the Blue Angels again recently. Even at my age, and knowing the maneuvers

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Irreconcilable differences

Like in any divorce, the fighting starts over insignificant issues, minor annoyances.

He leaves his dirty dishes in the sink, drops his wet towel on the bathroom floor and microwaves spaghetti without covering it.

She leaves her makeup strewn all over the bathroom sink, never turns off a light and nags him to take out the garbage.

She wants to spend “date time” with her husband, but he

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Courier Letters to the Editor

Ex-candidate launching new podcast

Dear Editor,

My name is Mason Sims, and I was a candidate for Pickens County Council District 5 this past June election.

First off, I would like to express my gratitude to everybody that supported me along this journey. Even though we did not receive the results that we had hoped, I truly believe that this is the start of something

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God is an ever-present help in troubled times

On Sept. 25, 2000, two years after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 19-year-old Kevin Hines in a state of chaos and despair, attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.

He fell more than 220 feet to the freezing dark waters of the Pacific Ocean, slamming into it at 75 mph. The fall took only 4

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Changes to RSV vax recommendations

The vaccine for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) has come under some changes in the CDC recommendations list. Until recently, they suggested that anyone over 60 should consider getting the vaccine.

Now they say, specifically:

If you’re over 75, get the shot.

If you’re between 60 and 74, get the shot if you’re at risk

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Did VA contact you about Agent Orange benefits?

If you served in Vietnam, were exposed to an herbicide like Agent Orange, got sick and submitted a claim that was denied, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was supposed to find you and offer compensation.

Did they?

Specifically, after the Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs class action lawsuit in 1986, it was

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Be encouraged — He will take care of you

It’s reassuring to know that as a child of God, you are not alone in this world. Our gracious heavenly Father has promised that He is aware and interested in even the tiniest occurrences in your life and has promised to be with you always.

Does this mean you will never have struggles and problems? Of course not, but knowing we are secure in the palm of His hand definitely gives

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