
Courier Letters to the Editors 12-12-18

Election politics 1835-2018

Dear Editor,

While browsing through the “C” volume of an old set of encyclopedias, I happened upon the article about Davy Crockett.

The frontiersman/politician was first elected into the Congress in 1827 and served two more terms starting in 1829 and 1833. His disagreement with the Jackson policies caused him to be a favorite of the Whigs, who basically used his “homespun virtue and rugged honesty” for their own shrewd goals and objectives. The political hype by the Whigs led him to visions of grandeur and running for the presidency in 1837. But the political hype of the Jackson forces proved to be greater, and he was defeated in the 1835 Congressional elections.

His parting comment concerning the political environment of the times

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