
Drink your milk, it’s good for you

A long time ago, when we were very young, we lived on a peninsula, Cape Charles, in Virginia. Sometimes we had the car. Those were the days Daddy didn’t need it in Norfolk. We’d pile in the backseat and Mama would drive Daddy to the ferry for his morning ride across the Chesapeake Bay to Norfolk. He worked for a marine engineering company whose name I don’t know.

Cape Charles was not heavily populated. People made their livings mostly from agriculture or fishing. Shopping was challenging, because many things easily available in larger towns were not an option for the residents.

The Sears and Roebuck catalogue was the store of choice for many things. And any clothing items that had to be tried on required a ferry ride across the bay into Norfolk, which was an entirely different world.

Norfolk is a Navy base, and the streets would be packed with sailors. There was traffic, an unknown to us where traffic was

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