
MARYS House named to ‘Angels’ list

MARYS House representatives receive the 2014 Angels award from South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond.

STATE — South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond recently released the annual “Angels” and “Scrooges” list for 2014.

The Secretary of State’s office reviews the financial reports of charities submitted annually to determine who will be named as an “Angel” or a “Scrooge.”

To be selected as an Angel, the charity must have devoted 80 percent or more of its total expenditures to charitable programs; the charity must have been in existence for three or more years; the charity must make good use of volunteer services; the charity must receive minimal funding from grants; and the charity must be registered with the Secretary of State to solicit funds in the state of South Carolina. In 2013, MARYS House designated 96.2 percent to its programs.

MARYS House officials would like to thank everyone who supports the organization.

“Without the help of the community, the mission of MARYS House would not be fulfilled,” officials said. “MARYS House values every dollar, every donation and every volunteer. Being responsible and transparent with resources given to the organization is extremely important, as it is the clients and participants who benefit from this generosity.

“Domestic violence plagues our community and the need to support these victims and their children continues to grow.”

To find out more or to contribute to MARYS House, call (864) 855-1708 or visit