
Favorite desserts of the First Ladies

By Olivia Fowler
For the Courier

The angel food cake featured this week was always served at the White House for Eleanor Roosevelt’s birthday. It was also a favorite cake of Rachel Jackson.

Abigail and John Adams were frugal New Englanders who favored simple foods, and the Indian Pudding recipe was an old and treasured favorite of theirs.

Mary Todd Lincoln is reported to have constantly been trying to get Abraham to eat, as he often was so immersed in work he forgot to eat lunch and frequently settled for an apple or piece of cheese. This Courting Cake is said to have been one of his favorites.

Dolley Madison’s Layer Cake was often served at the White House. She was said to be a genial hostess and enjoyed entertaining.

I especially like the Angel Food Cake recipe and think it’s much better than what you can buy. Enjoy.