
Alma Carter Scholarship audition winners named

The 2016 Alma Carter Scholarship student monitors were, front row, from left, Taylor More, Avril Adams, Taylor Baldwin, Cross Davis and Caleb Lackey. Back row, Marion Board, Grace Cehen, Joey Garrett and Hunter Stewart.

EASLEY — The Easley Piano Teachers Forum held its annual 2016 Alma Carter Scholarship Audition at Rock Springs Baptist Church. Participants were judged on their overall piano performance, and judges were Beverly Detrick and Tina Parry.

Division 1

First Place, Avril Adams; Teacher, Judy Granger; Parents, Brooks and Amanda Adams; Sixth grade, Gettys Middle

Second Place, Mallie Couch; Teacher, Helen Batson; Parents, Boyce and Loree Couch; Fifth grade, Dacusville Elementary

Third Place, Yerin Lee; Teacher, Kellye Smith; Parents, Brandon and Jungmi Lee; Sixth grade, Edwards Middle

Division II

First Place, Natalie Smith; Teacher, Kellye Smith; Parents, James and Kim Smith; Seventh grade, Edwards Middle

Second Place, Caleb Lackey; Teacher, Judy Granger; Parents, Dustin and Brandi Lackey; Seventh grade, Gettys Middle

Third Place, Audrey Brown; Teacher, Tiffany Short; Parents, Jerry and Erika Brown; Eighth grade, Living Faith Academy

Division III

First Place, Sabrina Stewart; Teacher, Helen Batson; Parents, Phillip and Frances Stewart; Ninth grade, Pickens High

Second Place, Tyler Nielson; Teacher, Kellye Smith; Parents, Bryant and Kim Nielson; Ninth grade, Daniel High

Third Place, Emily McDaniel; Teacher, Nancy Owens; Parents, Paul and Pam McDaniel; Tenth grade, Wren High

Division IV

First Place, James Moulder; Teacher, Emma Talley; Eleventh grade, Easley High Second Place, Malorie Newman; Teacher, Helen Batson; Parents, Len and Lori Newman; Twelfth grade, Pickens High

Third Place, Malorie Board; Teacher, Gilda Hendricks; Parent Bruce Board; Twelfth grade, Pickens High.