Arrests made in Central shooting

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
CENTRAL — A man suspected of shooting a Tri-County Technical College student at a party in Central on Saturday night was arrested Monday afternoon in Lexington County.
Jackson Quaid Rowland, 21, [cointent_lockedcontent]is charged with attempted murder and possession of a weapon during a violent crime. Rowland was transported back to Pickens County late Monday night and is being held there with no bond.
Rowland’s arrest came a day after another man was charged with helping clean and hide the gun allegedly used in the shooting, which happened at The Cottages at Clemson, an apartment complex on Smoke Rise Drive.
Daniel Heath Dixon, 21, is charged with felony accessory after the fact. Dixon was arrested on Sunday and was still being held Tuesday afternoon at the Pickens County Detention Center on a $15,000 bond.
According to a release from the Sheriff’s Office, the shooting occurred just after midnight on Saturday.
Deputies were dispatched after reports of gunfire within the complex.
Deputies found the streets within the complex “locked down” with “numerous pedestrians standing in the streets,” according to a release from the sheriff’s office
The victim, identified as 21-year-old Jaye Andrew Stuck of Pomaria, was found with what was determined to be a gunshot wound to the neck or head area. He was taken to a local hospital, where he underwent surgery, but he is expected to survive the shooting, police said.
Witnesses told investigators both the victim and the suspected shooter were attending a party held at 102 Sunrise Lane within the complex.
A crowd of between 500-1,000 people is believed to have been present when a physical confrontation erupted between several men, including the victim, the release said.
“During the encounter, one round was discharged at the victim, striking him while he was on the ground in the struggle,” the release said.
A 9 mm pistol was recovered from the scene.
The apartment complex, formerly known as Chimney Ridge, was also the scene of the December 2012 shooting death of Clemson University student Steven Grich during a robbery gone wrong. Three men accepted plea deals and sentenced to 20 years in Grich’s killing, while the accused trigger man was sentenced to 50 years in prison after he was found guilty of multiple charges in the shooting.
Pickens County Sheriff Rick Clark said he spoke directly with a representative of the complex’s management oversight team on Monday.
“I am very encouraged by their commitment to the safety and security of their tenants and their desire to partner with local law enforcement as we identify and implement additional security measures to minimize any opportunities for violence,” Clark said.
A meeting with management and other local law enforcement officials will be held as soon as possible, according to the sheriff’s office.