
Black nanny helps author weather the storm of life in wealthy Lowcountry family

The author, Angela Williams, in her marvelous book “Hush Now, Baby,” writes much about South Carolina politics that were affecting black people’s lives as her beloved African-American nanny tried to live in two worlds during very trying times. The author and I are both in our 70s. We lived during segregation and Jim Crow laws that required different schools, beaches, motels and bathrooms. It was our generation that saw civil rights bestowed with the integration of schools and drinking fountains. Williams was from a rich Lowcountry family who had a very close friend, Strom Thurmond. Throughout the book, it was the beloved nanny, Eva, who saw to the needs of Angela Williams, and acted as her real mother.

“While Clara Lee (her mother) sipped cocktails and flirted with Buster (her father), Eva nurtured

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