‘Cardboard Box City’ fundraiser set to assist homeless families
CLEMSON — Together with local congregations and the broader community, Family Promise of Pickens County brings much-needed shelter, food and comprehensive support services to homeless families with children.
The group’s goal is always to promote sustainable self-sufficiency as guideposts to a successful future. Since July 2015, Family Promise of Pickens County has assisted 17 families, comprised of 61 individuals. The need is great and the purpose of the group’s principal fundraiser, Cardboard City, is to allow us to continue to broaden the group’s services with everyone’s help.
With Cardboard Box City, FPPC seeks to raise awareness of homelessness in our area and to raise funds to sustain its efforts. While the event atmosphere will be festive, this is an opportunity to learn about and show solidarity with those experiencing homelessness.
Start organizing your business, congregation, club, Greek organization, civic group and others to participate. Each $500 donation reserves a 10’ by 10″ box lot and a place for overnight residents to give up their warm and cozy bed for one night to support homeless children and their families. Invite your neighbors, friends, family and coworkers to pledge all or part of the rent. Funds raised will help FPPC enable families without homes to break the cycle of homelessness and enjoy the blessings of employment, home, and family stability.
FPPC’s goal for the evening of Sept. 23 is to fill Gateway Park in Clemson with a 100-box Cardboard Box City. The public is welcome for the program and entertainment from 6-8:30 p.m. including a soup line from 6-7 p.m. From 4-6 p.m. Cardboard Box City is built and overnight residents check-in. Quiet time is from 9:30 p.m. until 6 a.m., with coffee and juice served before departure.
For information about how you or your organization can help with the event, contact event leader Bob Fennell at (864) 643-7291 or rsfennell43@gmail.com or sponsorship coordinator Marjorie Luke at (860) 614-5977 or marjorieluke@hotmail.com.