
Category Archives: Opinions

There are some things God cannot do

When we think about God being The Almighty, we see Him as having infinite power and authority in heaven and earth, and this is certainly true.

Remember the passage in Matthew 19:26 where Jesus is explaining to His disciples about how difficult

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Courier Letters to the Editor

On Freddie Owen death penalty case

Dear Editor,

I have watched with interest how some have protested the use of the death penalty in the Freddie Owen case. They cite the sixth commandment, but seem to forget that Owen is the killer, not the state of South Carolina. They should read Deuteronomy 19:11-13, which seems to apply in this case.


J.G. Taylor


Highway repaving projects

Dear Editor,

The state is in the midst of a 10-year highway improvement plan. I want to update you on what the SCDOT is up to concerning repaving our state highways inside Pickens County.

Last year, the SCDOT repaved S.C. 186 in Dacusville. It is now finishing repaving S.C. 186 east out of

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Loving God with all that we are

In Luke 10:27 and Mark 12:30, we notice that both passages use a fourfold description to explain how we are to love God: Heart, soul, strength and mind.

In the Old Testament, we find a similar command in Deuteronomy 6:5-6, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thine might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart.” It leaves out the

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‘Remember the ladies’

Abigail Adams was a busy woman in 1776.

Her husband, John Adams, was a delegate at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. She was at home in Braintree, Mass., raising four young children and managing the family farm while living in a war zone. The British Army was in Boston, only 12 miles away.

She wrote her husband a letter and asked that he

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Courier Letters to the Editor 9-18-24

Violence in schools

Dear Editor,

Upon reading the newspaper and hearing news on TV, our society is in deep trouble!

Students have three levels of conduct: Disorderly conduct. Disruptive conduct. Criminal conduct.

Punishment has been banned in schools, such as paddling, spanking and slapping.

And then we have 14- and 15-year-olds breaking the law by the carrying of firearms and concealed weapons on school grounds, which are prohibited. Yet these teens are carrying these weapons killing students and teachers and harming others.

We have 16,300 students in Pickens County schools. Fourteen elementary schools, five middle schools, four high schools, also a state-of-the-art vocational, career and technology center.

Our kids are the future of our country — protect and love them. Everybody that has been born is a gift from God. No mistakes have ever been made.

Behavioral training begins at home, teaching them right from wrong.

Forty percent of high school students studied reported that they had a feeling of being persistently sad and hopeless.Feeling left out. Some committing suicide. If your child shows signs of this seek, immediate mental health evaluation.

It seems school officials have dropped the ball on ways to stop violence. Now is the time to review this problem and act upon it. Metal detectors should be placed outside every school building to scan for weapons, knives.

Matthew 5:21-22 — That murderous anger can lead the angry man to judgment from God. As quickly as a physical blow. The violence he exhibits toward someone else can be brought back upon himself by God.


Beulah Taylor



Forum set for Pickens candidates

Dear Editor,

There are eight candidates running for two vacancies on Pickens City Council. On Thursday, Sept. 26,

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The whiplash u-turn flip-flop

Flip-flops are shoes that flip-flop when you walk. Politicians flip-flop when they talk. If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk — but not in flip-flops.

Changes in a politician’s position can have a positive effect on a voter’s image, as long as the new position agrees with the voter. Voters often believe the candidate has finally come to terms with their viewpoint and

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Good deeds are not a substitute for love

I was reading an article the other day about how most people are confident that just being nice secures them a place in heaven.

But is this true? Of course, we want to believe that it’s relatively easy to go through the pearly gates but is being a decent person all there is to it? Have you ever heard the expression, “They would give you the shirt off their back” referring to someone’s kindness and generosity? It’s a notable character trait,

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Dealing with COVID … again

Here we go again. Not to be an alarmist, but COVID never did go away. It’s been creeping around, changing its composition, infecting people, staying one step ahead of medicine every step of the way. And now it’s surging again, with the biggest rate of positive cases since January 2022.

So says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They’ve been testing wastewater, since that’s the one real and

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Faithfulness and hard work are appreciated

As the calendar eases out of August into September, we thank God for our blessings and will soon see the return of colorful leaves on trees, football season, and bonfires.

The unofficial end of summer also means Labor Day is here. Whether you are retired or still laboring in your career, we congratulate all of you on a job well done! This week many of us will travel, go out to eat, shop, have a cookout, or

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Courier Letters to the Editor

Councilman weighs in on gov change

Dear Editor,

In reference to your article “Mayor Talbert no longer urging change in government form.”

An election to change the form of municipal government can be called for by:

  1. A certified petition of 15 percent of the qualified electors; orYou must be logged in to view this content.

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