
Courier Letters to the Editor 1-27-21

Observations on Opinion columns

Dear Editor,

Let me begin by stating that I am conservative — socially, morally and politically — but don’t think I am “radical” in any way. I’ve been called many things in my life, but have never been called “stupid” (my paraphrase) by a newspaper columnist before.

I subscribed to the largest daily paper in our area for 30-plus years, but stopped a few years ago because it was pushing the liberal agenda. My wife and I started picking up a Courier on the way to church each week. We’ve always appreciated the local news, sports, obituaries, etc., and felt the Courier reflected Pickens County values. But I fear the Courier is abandoning those values.

I’ve been told that the Opinion page is open to all views, and I understand that. But when only one side is represented by the writers employed by the paper, it becomes propaganda rather than opinion. I was told that if I didn’t like what the paper prints, I should write my own letter to the editor. That’s what I’m doing. I’m not a trained writer, nor am I eloquent, but here are a few observations I’ve made: I find it interesting that one columnist said she heard people talking about the good things Donald Trump had done and wondered “like what?” The very next week her column touted the “miracle” of the COVID vaccine. Who does she think pushed the development, approval and distribution of this “miracle” drug in record time? Probably not the person she voted for.

Both regular columnists were outraged by the assault on the Capitol building. I share that outrage. Here’s where we differ — they both place the blame entirely on Donald Trump. I heard (and later read) the president’s speech that day. At no time did he advocate violence. (Even one of the writers begrudgingly admits this.) They say he “inferred” violence and encouraged radical right-wing groups. That’s political spin. And while the assault was egregious, was it more so than the summer-long siege of American cities by left-wing groups such as Antifa, radicals hiding behind the BLM movement and others? They battled police, looted and burned thousands of legitimate businesses, and assaulted and killed people. I may be wrong, but I don’t recall outrage over that. In fact, it seems the media (and many politicians) reveled in those riots.

But the most offensive column to me was one last week. It basically said that if you believe in conservative values, you are naive and ignorant. I know that includes me, and believe it also includes the vast majority of Pickens County residents. I’ve never been accused of being overly smart, but I do have an advanced college degree. My wife, on the other hand, has three degrees and was valedictorian of her graduating class at Daniel High and Clemson University — and she is more conservative than I am. And you, sir, just labeled me, her and a lot of other good residents of Pickens County as stupid. That’s my spin on your column.

I know, and respect, the owner, editor and some of the staff of the Courier. I hope it doesn’t follow the path of mainstream media. If it does, it will do so without me.

Allen Crenshaw

Six Mile


Central in need of new leadership

Dear Editor,

The town of Central is in dire need of new leadership. The current mayor and most of the town council members just do not listen to or appreciate the valid concerns of their constituents. On Jan. 4, 6 and 11, several residents stood before council and voiced strong opposition to the plans of an out-of-town developer who wants to build 100 houses on a 49-acre tract of wooded land that borders Lawton Road and Johnson Road. (This is in close proximity to Central Academy of the Arts and Collins Ole Towne.)

This is the same developer who put the “Hidden Valley” neighborhood on Joseph Street. Those who haven’t seen it should go take a look.

At town council’s meeting on Jan. 11, the mayor and four of six council members voted to accommodate the developer by annexing the tract into the town and giving it a zoning designation of R12 (12,000-square-foot lots). Voting in favor of this were Mayor Mac Martin and council members Paige Bowers, Ken Dill, Daniel Evatt and Joe Moss. Having the wisdom and good sense to vote in opposition were council members Lynne O’Dell Chapman and Harry Holladay.

The good news is that there will be an election in Central in November and the elected positions now held by Martin, Bowers, Dill and Evatt will be at stake. The residents of Central who want elected officials who will stand up for them will have an opportunity to bring about needed change.

Stan Thompson



City officials in a COVID panic

Dear Editor,

Here we go again. A panic over COVID-19 “cases.” I guess those officials in Easley are incapable of doing a little investigative research over what a case really is.

A “case” is the result of a test called the RT-PCR (reverse transcription -polymerase chain reaction) test, invented by Kary Mullis in 1986. Mullis repeatedly said this test should not be used in the diagnosis of disease.

One of the many reports on the inappropriateness of using this test to determine if one is infected comes from an appeals court in Lisbon, Portugal, on Nov. 18. In summary, the court said the PCR test is unreliable and it is unlawful to quarantine anyone based on this test. The court stated the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present: “If someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the U.S.), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3 percent, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97 percent.”

To further explain in great detail the PCR test, look up a report published by Dr. Pascal Sacre on the global research website. While on that website, you might notice a headline where WHO is now saying that the PCR test has a problem. Yes, the same WHO that designated the PCR test as the sole test to be used worldwide to determine if one is infected. Also on that website is an article called “Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral.”

There are multiple randomized controlled trials that show that the wearing of masks offers little to no protection against viruses. The CDC in May 2020 even states the ineffectiveness. Of course, their guidance conflicts with the study results. Strange, don’t you think?

And one more comprehensive report I consider mandatory reading is on the Liberty Beacon website, written by Ariyana Love: “Evidence of Genocide: Coronavirus PCR Testing.” If after reading this entire article and going through all the links, one does not reach the conclusion that we are not being told the truth by the media, health agencies, government officials and others, then what can I say? Truth and facts have to matter.

One thing regarding COVID deaths. The CDC has stated that 94 percent of COVID deaths had an average of 2.6 other co-morbidities. Only 6 percent died of COVID alone.

So to those Easley officials, please provide credible, verifiable data to support the potential implementation of further restrictions such as increased mask enforcement including fines and lockdowns. I am a big fan of those small business owners who put everything they have into starting their own business, especially restaurants. They seem to suffer the brunt of these mandates more so than retail-type businesses.

Lacking any verifiable data, perhaps it is time for government officials to stop mandating unproven solutions.

Dick McWay
