
Courier Letters to the Editor 8-19-20

Recycling changes a positive step

Dear Editor,

I want to thank the county administration and council for listening to the public, and praise the Courier for last week’s story entitled, “Recycle centers back to six days a week.” The council has reopened all recycle centers on Wednesdays, so they are again operating with a Monday through Saturday service schedule.

During my campaign for county council, I was happy to add my voice to the chorus of those who were already saying the county was growing and closing the centers on Wednesdays was a bad idea. The county does an extensive audit each year, and solid waste tonnage grew from 36,545 to 44,554 — or 21 percent — from 2015 to 2019. As a result, it should not be cutting back on this essential service, nor cutting manpower at the centers.

As part of the six-day schedule, though, the council cut the hours from 7:30 a.m. to 7:20 p.m. to the

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