
Faith Lutheran presents check to Gleaning House

For the second time, Faith Lutheran Chapel has been able to share $1,500 with the Gleaning House as it provides groceries for people of the community. Though a small congregation, Faith has again hosted a yard sale at its Main Street location (formerly known as the Ice Cream Parlor).  With 38 of its members working and a great many community residents shopping, the goal of $1,000 was reached and through the fraternal gift program of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, the church was able to receive an additional $500. Linda Swanberg, Care in Community Director (above left) and Christian Kannenberg, the Financial Associate for Thrivent, (center) presented the check to Esther Corn, who coordinates the Gleaning House activities. The Gleaning House provides groceries each Tuesday and Thursday to more than 400 families in Pickens County..