
Final parades set for this Saturday

COUNTY — The Christmas parade season is now in full swing, as Easley, Six Mile, Central, Clemson and Liberty have all held their annual parades.
This Saturday, the final three parades of the year will take place.
First up will be the seventh annual Norris Christmas parade, set for 11 a.m. Saturday. For more details, contact Ann at (864) 639-2033.
The annual Dacusville Christmas parade will follow, with the first vehicles heading out at 2 p.m. This year’s theme is “Christmases of the past, present and future.” For more information and to obtain entry forms, contact Sharon Holliday at (864) 419-6757 or Pat Porter at (864) 444-5794.
The final parade of the season will be held at Pickens Saturday night starting at 5:30 p.m. The parade’s theme is “Christmas Characters” Entry forms can be obtained at Pickens City Hall or by going to
For photos of last weekend’s parades, please turn to page 8A.