
Making an easy-to-make mask?

By Lynda Abegg
Special to The Courier

Patterns for the easy-to-make mask are all over the internet.

I had joined the Potholder of the Month Club as a way to learn quilting because potholders are pieced together like quilts, so I had plenty of material. I proudly told my husband I was going to make him a mask.

I dug my sewing machine out of the back of the closet and found the bag full of quilting scraps. Quilting is much harder than the easy-to-make mask.

First, I had to thread the machine. I only got stuck with the needle a couple of times. Next step was to check the bobbin. It had black thread, and I had just threaded the machine with white thread.

Filling a bobbin brought up its own set of sewing nightmares. The top thread would be a different color from the bottom thread. So what! These masks were going to save your life — do you really care if the top thread is a different color than the bottom thread?

I dug through the bag of scraps and found some colorful material with a brown background that had bright orange pumpkins with green swirly vines on it. It had come with the October potholder kit that I never

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