New life planned for silo property in Easley

By Jason Evans
Staff Reporter
EASLEY — Plans are in the works to bring new economic activity to a familiar spot in Easley.
Easley City Council members have approved first reading of an ordinance calling for the city to purchase 122 Folger Ave., the location of a former silo business downtown, for $80,000.
Council members discussed the purchase before voting during a special called meeting Friday, Sept. 21.
“This property has been referred to as the silos over on Folger Avenue,” city administrator Stephen Steese said.
The property, which is just more than 0.9 acres, holds the silos and an outparcel building in front of them, he said.
“Part of the budget we put together for the TIF bond that we did earlier this year included doing something with the silos,” Steese said.
The city has been discussing the future of the property with a potential
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