
Perfect time to begin anew

The New Year is here, and I’m excited to see what 2022 has for us! My hope is this coming year will be a season of abundance not just with material prosperity and success, but of love, health and spiritual awareness. As we plant seeds of faith, may we have the patience and expectation to witness the harvest of God’s blessings.

One of my personal resolutions is to be more generous and joyful, even when things are not going well. I’m reminded of a quote by Mother Teresa, who said, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with great love.”

January means “beginning,” and as we plan our resolutions, this is the perfect occasion to consider developing physical, emotional and spiritual lifestyle changes. You notice I used the word “developing,” because our goals are often a lengthy process. For example, eating a salad

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