‘That’s all, folks’ isn’t the final word
I was talking with my stepson, Josh, the other day out in front of our house. His mother, Kathy, and I were sitting on the front porch, and Josh was out on the walkway with 10 feet of airspace between us — just in case, of course.
We had a stimulating conversation about a wide range of topics: Russia’s belligerent military activities on the Ukrainian border and what that could mean to the course of history; the sad lack of any Southern team making it to the NFL final four; his wife Michelle’s recent job promotion (Congrats, Michelle!) and the car business — among other things, such as his third-grade son WYATT’s decision to become an engineer (and not the kind that drives trains.)
It was our discussion of the car business — which is Josh’s line of expertise — that sparked the idea for this column.
If you’ve paid any attention as you drive past the car dealerships in Easley and anywhere else in the country, you
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